
“Oh!” Kikmee said, as the Lost Bots looked around the mall some more. They were getting used to the environment, learning the layout, when she saw the large neon sign with lightning bolts and flashy lights. “What’s that place??” She said eagerly, looking in through a window. Burgertron approached, looking board. “Oh, the arcade. The Gamer Geeks play games there.” He said dryly. Kikmee looked back, optics twinkling.

“Games?! Oh I love games!” She said, dashing around to go through the door. Burgertron shrugged in defeat. “Come on, lets see if we can find some bits.” He said.

As they entered, Kikmee noticed how dark the room was. Even compared to the rest of the mall at night, it was noticeably dimmer. The neon signs popped, even while turned off.

“Woah! This is so cool!” She said. Kikmee jumped up onto a cabinet that had someone in a kicking pose on the side, looking up into the black screen with expectation. “We need to insert a bit to play!” Burgertron called, bringing over a yellow disk with a star on it. He jumped up, putting the disk inside, and the cabinet burred to life. Burgertron jumped up the rest of the way up, grabbing the joystick. “I’ll go easy on you, since it’s your first game.” He said smugly, and Kikmee just scoffed. “Tch, whatever burnt-face.” She said, and they started playing. Kikmee picked up her moveset quickly, and showed unprecedented reaction time and understanding much faster than Burgertron had achieved. Before he knew it, she had won. “Yes!!” She exclaimed. “Let’s go again!” She said, but Burgertron just pointed to the screen. “We need another bit to play.” He said, jumping down. “We can usually find a pile of them in some corner.”

Unfortunately, they could not. Not even with Dimlit’s help and Bonz-Eye’s agility to look in high spots. Burgertron just sighed, not surprised. “Well, guess we can’t play tonight.” He said, obviously also disappointed.

Kikmee puffed up her cheeks. “Why do we need a stupid bit to play anyways? The games are super fun!” She said, dragging her pedes. Burgertron shrugged. “The flash creatures designed them, who knows what goes through their processors.”

Kikmee just sulked, and followed the others out, before a bit rolled over from the hallways. And then transformed. “Hey there, dudes, dudettes, I heard you want to play some games.” He said, striking an action pose.

Kikmee just blinked. “Well sure, but we can’t find any more disks.” She said, her helm hanging low. The yellow botbot smirked. “Well, I can help with that!”

“And you will actually help?” Bonz-Eye said, sauntering back over. The bot just smiled, “Hey, I have no problems helping another gaming fan be able to play!” He said, throwing his arm up. “All these machines here put limits on how much you can play, which is just bogus! I like to help anyone who asks!” He proclaimed. He put his servo to his chest. “24K Bit is my name, by the way.”

“Kikmee!” She said, introducing the rest. 24K Bit nodded, “Pleasure to meet you, and re-meet you Burger-dude.” He said, and Burgertron glared. “Do not call me that. You know I hate it.”

“Well come on! Let’s play some more!” Kikmee said, looking over at the yellow botbot. “Please?” She said, and he happily transformed and popped into the slot. “Go ahead bros!” He said. “Come on guys! Let’s play!”

And the others joined Kikmee at the controls for the cabinet, playing. Dimlit barely did anything, unwilling to hurt anyone, but also didn’t get attacked; Clogstopper just hit buttons randomly, ending up killing himself with an ultimate; and both Bonz-Eye and Kikmee were competing directly, with Kikmee clearly in the lead.

24K Bit leaned out of the slot, keeping his pede on the trigger. Burgertron looked up at him. “Why are you helping us?” He said casually, watching the others play from the floor.

24K Bit just shrugged, “Rules don’t matter in the arcade, specialty since I think you dudes are being punished well-enough!” He said cheerfully. Burgertron laughed nervously, “Yeah, I guess.”

The Lost Bots continued playing, with the help of their new friend 24K bit, until it was almost opening time. The Lost bots were all so happy, going to recharge in their nests happily.


Chapter Summary

Ulf the Orange and Burgertron break up right after the series ends.

It felt good to be reaccepted by the mall. Everyone had looked at them with disgust, distrust, and even malice, for so long that it started to become normal for him. It was normal to get an occasional comment thrown his way, for his efforts to be completely discarded one way or another, and that he and his friends would be stuck being outsiders. But now? It was wonderful, seeing the residents of the mall talking to the other Lost Bots like the equals they were. It made his spark warm.

Looking over though, he sighed. He had been thinking about it for some time since bot prom, so it would be better to just do it. With a big vent, he marched over to Ulf the Orange. She saw him and walked over too, though he didn’t notice her doing so at first.

“I want to break up-” They said in unison once they reached the middle. Burgertron stared back at Ulf, both with a surprised look. Then, he started laughing. “Guess we know how we feel huh?” He said, and Ulf started cracking up nervously. “Yeah, I guess so.”

They stood in silence, or relative silence since the party was continuing around them. Burgertron gestured to the side, and they hid behind a pillar for a bit more privacy. “Okay, you go first?” He said, leaning his bun against the pillar as Ulf also leaned back beside him. He sighed. “Okay.”

“Burgertron, I know I was in the wrong when I listened to Spud Muffin above you. I felt so angry, but I also realised I didn’t quite feel the same as before. I thought it was because you were changing for the worse, but I think it was more… we were both changing.” She said, bashful and rubbing her arms. “I want to stay friends, if we can, but I still respect you.” She smiled, finally looking at him again. Burgertron let out a vent he was holding, nodding. “Yeah, I don’t completely blame you, Ulf. It’s hard to think that someone could manipulate us like that.”

He looked up, seeing the lights from the party reflecting in a store’s glass. “I’m not sure how it happened, really. I was really hurt by you, but I also didn’t blame you.” He looked back at Ulf, trying to find his words. “But I still want to be friends too.” He smiled. He reached out a hand, “Friends?”

Ulf nodded, shaking the extended servo. “Friends.”

Burgertron sat back up. “Now let's go party, before they take all the sweets.” He said, running back out with Ulf. They separated, now just focused on having a good time with their own groups.

Date Night - Bonz-Eye/Lady Macaron

Chapter Summary

A bonsai tree and a macaron go on a date.

Bonz-Eye shifted in place, fiddling with her suit. The two had agreed on a higher class date, with some bots who came from a fancy restaurant. They only had to meet the dress code, which thankfully allowed her to wear a suit rather than some dress. It wasn’t she had anything against dresses, just that they exposed her more than she liked. Maybe I just hate legs. She thought once, before she shook it off. Ridiculous. She told herself. I’m friends with Kikmee.

“Oh, Bonz-Eye! I’m here!” Lady Macaron called out, and Bonz-Eye rushed to greet her. Lady Macaron had dressed to the nines, her normal form detailed and given a fresh coat of paint which made her shine a brilliant maroon-ish pink. Bonz-Eye could feel energon rushing to her cheeks, tinting them purple, and smiled shyly at Macaron. “You look wonderful.” She said, getting a giggle from her. “Oh Bonz-Eye, I know.” She said, making Bonz-Eye laugh. “You look great too.” She added, giving her a peck. Bonz-Eye swore her spark left her body for a moment, before slamming back into it as they entered the establish ment.

The normal flesh creature's, or human as they were called, tables were too large for them. So the BotBots had simply commissioned the Shed Heads, putting smaller tables on top of the larger ones. Most had three to five, while the private tables had a whole human table to themselves. Lady Macaron, sparing no expense, got them a private table by bribing them somehow. Bonz-Eye pleaded innocent, not part of the blackmail ring running just underneath mall life that Macaron dabbled in.

As they were seated, Bonz-Eye admired the décor around them. Above their helms, there was ivy growing around the glass walls of the restaurant and a fireplace had a fake fire going near the back. The windows showed the outside, but were tinted to not allow anyone to peep inside at the guests. A perfect spot for BotBots to hide in plain sight, what they did best really.

Bonz-Eye’s optics drifted back to Macaron, who was correcting some imaginary flaw in her appearance before snapping back to Bonz-Eye. “This is quite a beautiful place.” Bonz-Eye said, looking up at the ivy. She loved plants, though it left a pang of sadness at the squad that never was or would be. Macaron followed her gaze, though looking out the windows at the street filled with roaring vehicles and bright lights. “Yes, it really is. I sometimes wonder about life out there.” She said, almost whispering. Bonz-Eye nodded. It was something they both craved, adventure, discovery, danger. “Yet,” Macaron continued, looking back at her date, “I’m not sure I’d ever want to leave.”

Bonz-Eye nodded, when their waiter seemingly somehow materialized next to them without either noticing. “I’m Checks, your waiter for tonight.” He said, bringing out a pad of paper. His disguise was a checkbook, left behind from a customer once.

“Yes, I’ll have my energon solid with chrome shavings on top with a side of iron?” Macaron said, and Checks nodded and wrote it down. “Sure! And you?”

Bonz-Eye shrunk in, a little shy, “Um, just liquid with copper and gold.” She said, and Checks wrote it down before quickly leaving.

Bonz-Eye and Macaron looked back at one another. “I still wonder how they came to be sometimes.” Bonz-Eye said. “I’m not ungrateful, but they did emerge much longer after us, it’s a bit strange.” She said, and Macaron nodded. “Oh, I agree, but I’m sure the Science Alliance has some kind of explanation. Or is working on it.”

Bonz-Eye nodded, “Still, it’s a mystery to ponder. It is something I take great interest in.” Macaron laughed. “Yeah I’m sure, you did a great job with that case you did for me and Lolly Licks.” She said.

Bonz-Eye gave her a smirk. “Burgertron is already starting a new musical based on that.” She said, and Macaron gasped. “Oh no way!” She said, ever the fan of the creator of ‘I, Cheeseburger’. As much as she may deny it. “You have got to get me tickets for it when it’s done.” Macaron said, optics gleaming.

Bobz-Eye placed her hand on the back of her neck. “Well, I was wondering if you wanted to be my plus one for the first show. I’m not taking part, as fun as it is, I’m not a natural actress.” She admitted, and Macaron squealed with delight, almost leaping across to hug her. Instead, she settled for clasping Bonz-Eye’s hands. “Oh I’d love to Bonz-Eye!! You don’t even need to ask!” She said, happier than anything.

Their energon arrived then, exactly how they ordered it, and started digging in.

Bonz-Eye drank it slowly, savoring the sweetness of the gold with the grainy and spicy texture the copper gave her energon. Macaron seemed to be enjoying her own solid energon, as it was firm but gave under her utensil’s pressure easily.

They talked throughout the night, looking out into the world and enjoying each other's company even as they left the restaurant to stargaze. Bonz-Eye had to admit Burgertron was right, those specks of light felt both calming and beautiful in the inky night sky.

As the two slowly walked back to the Sugar Shocks store, Bonz-Eye felt herself wishing that this night wouldn’t end so soon. But it would be opening time in an hour, and they should be getting back to their stores to hide for the day.

“I had a great time tonight.” Macaron said, looking up at Bonz-Eye. “Yeah,” she said in response, “I did too.” He admitted quietly.

They clasped hands, and gave each other a peck on the cheek before separating. “I’ll be seeing you tomorrow?” Bonz-Eye said, and Macaron giggled. “Of course. I’ll see you and your squad then.” She said, as she opened the door. She slowly entered, not breaking eye-sight with Bonz-Eye until they were separated by the door.

To The Roof

Chapter Summary

Starscope ventures out unto the roof of the mall, and the Science Alliance discuss their creation.

Chapter Notes

This prompt was given to me ShivaNilva from chapter 1, about the Science Alliance. Hope I did the suggestion justice!

Starscope looked up, determination in his visor.

Outside the safety of the mall, the world was dangerous and unknown. Yet, the Science Alliance had recently found proof that there were samples that they could use to unravel their existence close enough to safely grab. But they were located on the roof, just beyond the safety of their mall.

Out in the darkness, a faint blue shimmer covered the rooftop under the light of the planet’s moon. Energon residue, not powerful enough to even hurt a mouse, yet holding the history of their kind. Probably.

Face Ace fidgeted, the Doctor just behind them with her assistant. “Starscope, this is going to be very dangerous. Are you sure you can handle being out there?” She asked, but Starscope just flashed her a smile. He tugged on the shoelace they had tied to his waist. “Just pull me back if you see danger, I’ll get those samples.” He said.

The Doctor and Eye-Goon held onto the remaining slack behind Face Ace, and Starscope gave them one last nod before he set outside.

The air was crisp, his vent creating a small cloud for a moment before dissipating. It was very cold up on the roof, the breeze almost knocking Starscope off his pedes. He dug his heels in, marching against the wind to collect various samples.

He started with a small cluster of residue near where he just entered, a clump hardened against the rain and wind. He carefully plucked it with a gloved servo, placing it in a small test tube. He then subspaced it, before continuing to another cluster further away.

He managed to hold out against the cold for some time, but as he chipped away at a stubborn crystal he heard a mighty caw against the night. Not just one though, the battle cry of many. Looking up, his fuel lines turned to ice at the sight.

Grey beasts flew through the sky, cawing in warning as they descended and their talons visible and sharp. Their feathers rustled in the wind, yet they flew through it like it didn’t even exist. It was amazing. It was terrifying.

He tried desperately to chip away at the residue, yet it still held firm. He heard shouts from his squad, and soon abandoned the last sample to run for his life. The cold still bit at his plating, digging into his protoform and digits as he ran. The beasts cawed at his back, and even a few tried to grab him, yet he escaped their grasp.

He soon dove into the crevice, closing the door behind him as he did so and plunged into the safe, warm, darkness of the hidden crevice they used to get up there. His squad soon gave him a blanket and some warm energon, and he took out his samples and gave them to Doctor Flaskenstein for testing. “You’re safe now.” Face Ace murmured to him, and he melted into her touch on his shoulder.

He had come terrifyingly close to death, to seeing more than he was ever meant to see. And He was glad to be back in the familiar, back with his Squad.


“Fascinating.” The Doctor said, chewing her stylus. She was looking up at her results, copied from her screen by her assistant Eye-Goon. As weird as he was, he was a great assistant.

“What is it Doctor?” Starscope asked, now healed enough to join them back in the main area of their store. She gestured up. “I need a peer review.” She said simply, and they all went up. His eyes glazed over the calculations and findings, finding them all accurate. “It all seems to be good here, but what are we looking at?” He asked politely. Face Ace made a similar comment once she was done comparing the chemical findings Starscope was not qualified to check.

The Doctor gestured up. “This shows that the residue was likely left by The Storm.” She said. They didn’t need to ask which one she was referring to, they all knew. It was a day no BotBot could forget, the storm that turned them from inanimate products to thinking and living robots within their mall. What caused their existence other than the fact of an energon storm had only been speculated on, as no storm had come by since and the storms outside were all some kind of water or occasionally electricity.

“Fascinating.” Face Ace said, looking up. “The amount of residue we saw, even after all this time, shows that the storm was even more charged than we thought. You’d have to drop thousands of cubes one thousand times larger than our own to reach these numbers.”

“How curious.” Starscope said, putting a servo to his chin. Such amounts of energon was unheard of to the BotBots, as most of them needed about 200 ml a day to survive. The amounts here would serve Bots more like the size of a truck, and would need to serve at least one thousand of those trucks for several years.

“Perhaps some kind of outside action triggered such an event?” He speculated. They all acknowledged it, but none had any proof for or against it. After all, they were shooting blind here.

“I believe that maybe there are more of our own kind, ones with much larger fuel amounts.” The Doctor said.

The Science Alliance all jerked, caught off guard. The Doctor looked at them passively. “Think on it.” She simply said, before walking away. “We are needed just later tonight to assist the custodial crew anyhow, so it is best to table this speculation for a later date.” She said, before looking back. “Also, Starscope? Thank you for your help. None of us could do it.” She said softly, and he smiled back. “Just doing my part.” He said, and they soon left to help the Custodial Crew. As much as Face Ace didn’t want to help them, always cleaning up messes and often caked in substances not to be named.

Ya like Jazz?

Chapter Summary

Macaron and Bonz-Eye are stuck in a sticky situation.

Chapter Notes

Thought i'd throw this in, as it was an attempt at a longer story I couldn't really figure out how to expand. I really do like the idea of it, just not sure about my execution lol

Anyways enjoy!

Bonz-Eye and Macaron felt disoriented as soon as the hidden trap sprung. A sticky black substance seemingly exploded from the ground, wrapping around them tightly enough to hold them in place.

They were just on a date touring around the less explored rooms of the garages, where men carried boxes in and out. Whenever a truck left, it took whoever may still be in the trailer outside the mall. It wasn’t very dangerous beyond slipping or getting trapped under something heavy during the night, but it was still a thrill for Macaron who was unused to such dangers while in their mall.

But this is very much not what she meant!! Macaron struggled, thrashing in her bonds, as Bonz-Eye tried to speak to her. But Lady Macaron wasn’t listening, she wanted out!

Then the garage door started opening. Both BotBots were horrified, immediately worried they’d be crushed under a truck. But it didn’t reveal the trailer to a truck, but some sort of vehicle. Macaron squinted, trying to get a better look past the blaring headlights. The vehicle was white, with a blue stripe down the middle and some kind of squad emblem on the hull. She didn’t have a chance to question what a squad emblem, one that she didn’t even recognize, was doing on a flesh creatures transportation when it spoke.

“Well, We-” It, or rather he, started saying before cutting himself off. It was quiet for a moment, as Macaron looked over the car and Bonz-Eye muttered “huh.” The car suddenly turned sheepish, sounding almost stunned. “Yer ain’t Rumble n’ Frenzy.” He said. Lady Macaron scoffed, finally realizing who just trapped them. “Obviously!” She cried out, thrashing again in her bonds. “Who even are you?” She said, accusatory.

“Um, Macaron,” Bonz-Eye tried to say, but was interrupted by the sound of transformation. But not by another BotBot… the car was transforming. The bumper of the car became the chestplate, and the two back wheels were connected to a pair of legs, and a helm popped out at the end of the transformation sequence. He wore a blue visor, looking down on the two captured bots, and two blunt sensory horns on his helm. He toned down his headlights too, allowing them to see him better.

He walked through the loading doors, crouching down and just staring at them. In all fairness, the BotBots stared right back. Before Macaron got impatient, “Are you just going to stare or are you going to free us anytime soon?? Preferably within the hour!” He said, and he jerked back a little like he was surprised to hear her speak so venomously. He then leaned down, and one servo stretched out to touch them. One giant digit came down, and Bonz-Eye flinched before the digit gently started poking her. “Huh, can’t say I’ve ever seen bots like you before.” He said, clicking his glossa. “Let me help you little guys.”

He gently, ever so gently, used some kind of solvent he pulled out of his subspace and scrubbed the black stuff off Bonz-Eye first. Then it was Macaron’s turn, and she scoffed as he started freeing her too. She huffed and complained occasionally as he did so, but he freed her anyways.

He picked them up into his servos, brought to his optic level. “Hey there.” He said. Macaron had her arms folded, but gave a polite “Thank you.” Bonz-Eye looked up in just as much amazement as the car bot had.

“So… Mind if I ask ya little bots some questions?” He said, a crooked smile on his face.

Dark Arts - Frostferatu/Burgertron

Chapter Summary

Frostferatu needs some sacrifices for the Dark Forces.

Chapter Notes

Frostferatu sat in the middle of a ritual on the mall floor, in the abandoned section. He ceased his venting, concentrating on reaching the dark forces beyond mortal comprehension. He could feel the air go cold, before suddenly rescinding again. He opened his eyes, seeing that the candles went out but the summoning failed. He wanted to thrash in anger, but held it in to simply a growl of frustration.

For weeks now, he couldn’t contact the dark forces which had become his allies. They were always conservative on when they lent their aid, but now they didn’t even connect with him through these rituals. It felt like he was missing something, but he was doing nothing differently from his previous rituals.

Unless… He looked down upon the white sand, and the extinguished candles. His offerings of a dead rat and sweets from the bakery he called his home were untouched. Could the dark forces be no longer satisfied with his offerings? He clenched his servos, his claws digging into his palms.

He knew exactly where to get a better offering, the food court.


Frostferatu’s eyes squinted under the low sun. He was up late, even for him, out in the light that burned his plating and icing. However, he needed to be here before the Hunger Hubs woke up. He needed some of the human’s food, before the Hunger Hubs or the Custodial Crew could get to it.

He rested inside a trash can, a good hiding spot for an alt-mode resembling food and provided the shade he needed so his plating could heal. His eyes strained against the light, but this wasn’t his first time awake at such hours. Sometimes it was necessary to maintain their cover to move about, but Frostferatu was the only BotBot he knew who did so in the daytime even in light foot traffic. Too dangerous, too risky. But Frostferatu when he made his deals with the dark forces that risk was an implicit part of the pact, in exchange for his powers he usually had access to during the night.

“Psst!” He heard a cry from below, and looking down he saw someone. “Hey, Frosty! Down here!” He whispered, and they both ducked as a human dumped more trash into the space. The BotBot was sitting on top of the trash, and only then did he recognize the BotBot trapped. “Burgertron?” He whisper yelled, kneeling down. “How did you get in there?” He called, and Burgertron sighed. “Some cleaners came through the mall unexpectedly, they nabbed me from a table and chucked me in here. Thank above your here! Now get me out!” He called, and Frostfurantu didn’t hesitate.

Even if it was begrudgingly and with much convincing, Burgertron had helped him before and he had yet to repay that debt. He reached down, and Burgertron jumped to grab his extended servo. Frostfurantu pulled, flexing his body up to hold Burgertron’s weight. As a human came by, instinct rushed through and he yanked Burgertron over to his hiding spot and the cheeseburger gave a small yelp too quiet to be heard over the human’s talking.

Frostferatu quickly realised he was holding Burgertron bridal style, looking into his very embarrassed and flushed face. He quickly set him down, and they hid in the corner with their shoulder guards and sides touching to keep out of sight.

“Thanks for that, but what are you doing here in this time of day?” He asked, shifting a little bit. Frostferatu scoffed. “None of your business.” He said, and Burgertron gave him a flat stare. He could practically see him counting down in his head before he cracked, and crack he did. “Alright!” He said, though still keeping his vocaliser down. “I’m looking for an offering. My recent ones seem to be unsatisfactory.” He grumbled. “The food court has the best food in the mall, so I assumed it would be here.”

Burgertron hummed, making his thinking face. Then it seemed like he had an idea as his face lit up. “Well, I can help you find something! I know this place pretty well!” He said, and Frostferatu realised he was right. Burgertron was the leader of the Hunger Hubs, and they knew the food court’s secrets like they knew themselves.

“A tempting offer…” Frostferatu said, and eventually nodded. “I could use it, and I would allow you to watch the ritual.” He said, making sure they were even. Having debts one could not pay off did not make an ideal dark lord after all, and it was definitely not because he wanted to show off. Nope, not at all.

Burgertron smiled, though it looked strained. “Suuuure.” He said, and Frostferatu huffed. No one believed his dark arts, and Burgertron had no reason to be any different. No matter how cute he was. It would be a little while before the food court closed, and in the meantime they started to rest. Frostferatu felt exposed outside his coffin, yet next to another BotBot it felt somewhat safe.


It was not a hassle to grab some food, with Burgertron helping at his side. They grabbed some discarded french fries and even a whole burger which had been thrown out for some odd reason, something about wanting to speak with management?

Burgertron knew what he was doing, and they had managed to bring it back just as the other BotBots were awakening for the night. Pulling the large burger into his circle was hazardous, but manageable enough. Burgertron sat off to the side, somewhat uninterested in what Frostfuratgu was doing. Frostferatu just smirked, ready to show him just how little he really knew about the world and its dark powers.

He started meditating, ceasing his venting as he chanted, rising in the air, and a surge of power flowed through him stronger than ever before. His dark ally had returned.

Burgertron gasped in shock, and the power’s focus snapped to him instead of the offering. It laughed as it rose from shadow, cold and cruel. It lunged, and would have grabbed Burgertron if the circle hadn’t imprisoned it. It snarled but turned back to Frostferatu, anger leaking into it's aura.

“You give me a living offering yet you won’t allow me to reach it?!!” The Force exclaimed angrily within FrostFeratu's mind, and Frostferatu looked up at, fear clenching his spark, before steeling his expression and emotions. “He is not your offering, that is.” He gestured to the relatively-intact-burger and it's fries, and it scoffed. “Take it, I will not sacrifice another BotBot. Especially not Burgertron.” He said.

The Force went quiet, before starting to laugh hysterically. “Oh. OOoooooh I get it now, lover bot.” It laughed, before pinching his cheek. “I’ll give you some power. This will be better than any offering.” It cackled, absorbing and eating the offering in it’s maw anyways. Frostferatu was confused, but felt a surge of power as the Dark Force retreated. “Have Fun Lover Bot.” It cooed, before melting away and his circle dissipated. Burgertron looked at him with wide, fearful optics. “I-I-I didn’t think it was real.” He said quietly, breathless from his screaming before. Frostferatu just smirked. “Oh,” he said, voice smooth as melted butter and sweet as sugar, “it’s more real than you think.” He said, and transformed his body into a bat.

He grabbed Burgertron, gliding and flapping through the air as Burgertron held on for his life. Frostferatu reveled in the freedom, and the wind gliding over his wings. Soon, he landed and transformed back, holding Burgertron bridal style. He blushed furiously and dropped Burgertron, who landed softly on the bench. “Oh-Oh I’m sorry-” He said, but then Burgertron started giggling. Then laughing. Oh No, Frostferatu thought, did I drive him mad? But Burgertron did not laugh for long, sitting up and looking at Frostferatu sheepishly. “I think I owe you an apology.” He chuckled.

Chapter End Notes


I am happy with this one! I love to imagine that Frostferatu's dark powers are real, it's just the being that gives them to him is a giant troll so no one believes him. And now it ships him and Burgertron.


Chapter Summary

Very short, Burgertron musing on stars while stargazing.

Chapter Notes

Starscope had said the lights in the night sky were called ‘Stars’, and that they were just very far off balls of gas and plasma in space. They looked so small because they were so high up, out of the planet’s atmosphere. It was wonderous, he said, how big the universe was compared to their home.

Burgertron had wondered what was beyond the mall before, but beyond their planet? That was a completely different scale. Billions of Billions time larger than his universe, his home. Yet it didn’t feel off in any way, like he’s known it forever and was just reminded of it now.

Sitting on a table in the food court to watch the stars, he noticed how every night they shifted and realised it must be their planet shifting in space. Now there was a large bright star to the north, and a constellation of a bull and a horse-bot firing a bow. This was likely normal, and Burgertron wondered how long it would be before he noticed that all the stars had realigned to were they used to be. A long while likely. But the stars always have gave him a form of relaxation he couldn’t quite explain. Especially a small star which was visible every month, almost never moving. Like it was stuck in place.

He always felt a yearning when he saw it. The stationary star would glint and he would imagine mountains and cities of steel and chrome. He didn’t quite know why, but it also made him feel nostalgic. He had never been to such a place, but he felt warm and tingly all over just imagining it. Animals made of gears and circuits, trees which grew from a soft protoform metal, crowds of bots just like him yet different somehow.

Then the next night, he would forget about it. It was only his imagination after all, how could such a place exist when it was so contrary to his own small home?

Chapter End Notes

I know it's not very long, but I like the idea that the BotBots know on some level that they aren't from this planet. Burgertron said that the stars gave him a strange sense of relaxation he couldn't explain, so I ran with it.

If you're wondering, the far off planet is supposed to be Cybertron.


Chapter Summary

Kikmee gets hurt, and visits the mall's local doctor.

Chapter Notes

There isn't any explicit injury or blood, but there is some level of distress and getting hurt. It's not explicit, but if you have problems with injury or anything like that be warned there is some of that here.

24K-Bit loved playing games with Kikmee, as she was so energetic and passionate about any game she played. She even won most of the luck based games in the arcade. They ran around together, playing game after game. Most Bots didn't want to play with her, as she usually won and was somewhat of a sore winner. Tonight, they had the whole arcade to themselves as it was cleaning night and most BotBots stayed in their Nests as the extra staff patroled the area and deep cleaned much of the mall. However, Kikmee had noticed they always cleaned the Arcade first which left them the whole arcade to play in while it was clean and spotless.

The next game they were playing was the basketball throw, and Kikmee smirked confidently. She transformed, launching herself at the net. She scored the maximum points, over and over, as 24K-Bit let her play as much as she wanted while he watched from the coin insertion. Kikmee launched herself once more, but hit against the rim of the net and she let out a cry of pain as she shot back. 24K-Bit got out of the way, but dove down from the main console and into the gutter where the balls were stored to catch her. She groaned, and quickly transformed. “I’m okay, I think I hit my hip.” She groaned, trying to get up before yelping and falling to the side on her weak leg. The leg wasn’t fine, it hung loosely from her hip and was angled weirdly. He could also see a few wires poking out, and some bent metal from where the impact happened.

“Come on Kikmee, let’s get you to a doc.” He said, assisting her out of the machine. They went slowly, so as to not aggravate her leg, before she gave up and got him to carry her to the daycare nursery. It was colourful as it always was, but to the side was the nursery area for the newest flesh creatures who needed special supervision. Inside, there were small stretchers and tools stolen from many stores which made up the tools used for fixing BotBots. To the side, there was their medic, Nanny McBag. “Oh come on Hawt Diggity, what have I told you over and over again about eating too much human food?” She scolded the hot dog, patting his back ridge roughly as he purged into a bucket. “But it tastes so goooood.” He whined, then another purge came up.

“Uh, Miss McBag, we have a situation here.” 24K-Bit called out, setting Kikmee gently down unto a make-shift stretcher. The bag looked over, and her optics widened. She patted Hawt Diggity’s back again, “Stay here and say something if it gets worse.” She said quickly, before jogging over to Kikmee. She gently touched Kikmee’s leg, who hissed. “Ow.” She said. Nanny McBag hummed, gently examining the wounded area. “Well, good news Kikmee. It’s not fatal, since your not leaking any energon.” She consoled, stroking her back. “But it’s out of place and needs to be reset. You can hold 24K-Bit’s hand if it will help?” She said, and 24K-Bit was there to do so as Kikmee grabbed for his servo blindly.

McBag worked calmly, even as Kikmee was yelling and crushing 24K-Bit’s servo from her leg being agitated. It was slow at first, then all at once as Kikmee cried out and McBag pushed the leg back into position. It fit into place with a pop, and Kikmee sagged as McBag inserted a pain disabler code into the area. It would work for a short time, enough time for Nanny McBag to work her magic and have it fixed. 24K-Bit stayed with Kikmee, trying to keep her occupied and attention away from her leg. Soon the code started to take effect, and she sagged in exhaustion. It wasn’t a familiar look on her, as she always was so energetic and upbeat, not downtrodden and tired.

Nanny McBag escorted him out after she was done, laying a calming servo on his shoulder. “Come back tomorrow, I’m keeping her over the day since she shouldn’t transform like this. Could you inform her squad so they don’t worry?” She asked, and 24K-Bit agreed. He rolled off, worry boiling in his tanks. As he reached the lost and found, he was grabbed by a very worried Dimlit. “Oh you’re both back- where is Kikmee?” He asked in a rush, worried by how close to opening it was.

24K-Bit explained, and Dimlit’s expression became relieved and then worried again. “Oh no! That’s horrible! Is she okay?” He asked, crowding into 24K-Bit’s space. He gently pushed him off, “She’s in the nursery right now, I’m sure she’ll be right as rain by tomorrow night. I’m sure she’d appreciate you visiting her.” He said, and Dimlit nodded. “I’ll go tell the others,” He said, backing off into the Lost and Found, “you get back to the Gamer Geeks for tonight. Bye!” He cried, and ran off into the dark room. 24K-Bit would never understand how they lived in there without ever tripping.

He rolled off and back to their gaming store, where he could find the other Gamer Geeks. “Oh hey Bit.” Fomo said as 24K-Bit entered into their nesting area. It was dark, with some neon lights hung from above and their own personal items arranged into nests in the area. Fomo's nest was full of knick knacks, photo reels, and his editing equipment for Botvids, while 24K-Bit’s nest was full of arcade prizes and streamers. Fomo polished his digits as he continued speaking, “How did your outing go?”

“Not good at all.” He said, flopping down into his nest. Fomo paused, looking over. “What happened?” He asked. 24K-Bit rolled over, propping his elbow joint on the floor and peering over at Fomo. “Kikmee got injured, she’s staying in the nursery for the day.” He said, and Fomo sucked in a vent through his denta. “Rough bud.” He winced in sympathy.

24K-Bit just flopped back over, transforming and trying to get some recharge.


The next night, 24K-Bit wandered near the Nursery to visit. As he carefully stepped in he noticed the Lost Bots were visiting Kikmee, who looked a lot more chipper and had her leg in a brace. As he wandered closer, the Lost Bots parted to make room for him. Kikmee’s face lit up when she saw him.

“Oh hey 24K-Bit! I’m glad to see you here.” She said, sitting up. 24K-Bit just smiled. “Heyo Kikmee, How are you doing?” He asked. She just gestured to her leg, shrugging. “Gotta wear this for a week, so my frame can heal and to keep everything in place as McBag tries to get some replacement parts that got knocked loose.” She said, and 24K-Bit could have cried, he was so relieved. He had worried all night that Kikmee would resent him, as it was when they were hanging out at the arcade and because he triggered the game. But now she seemed to be back to her normal self, if a little tired by the dark circles under her optics.

McBag suddenly appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, helping Kikmee up. “You shouldn’t be too active in the meantime Kikmee, and I mean it. Try and play those stationary games in you can, so your leg doesn’t get even more hurt.” She said, and Kikmee looked very disappointed but she nodded along. One did not try to contradict the doctor after all, and McBag could be very unsympathetic when it came to ignoring her advice advice. Hawt Diggity from last night came to mind, who was still laying on a berth nearby.

24K-Bit took one side while Bonz-Eye took Kikmee’s other side, keeping her upright on one pede as they slowly moved along. “Hey,” she nudged him, and he looked up at her, “thanks for getting me here last night. And sorry about your hand.” He had forgotten about his hand, which still ached and squeaked in it’s hinges, but just smiled up at Kikmee. “What’re friends for?” he replied.

Chapter End Notes

Nanny McBag was actually a Lost Bot from the original BotBots toys, but I made her allegiance with any squad more vague since she seems to be one of the only BotBots who has been stated to deal with injured BotBots. Her alt mode is a grey bag, probably some kind of baby bag. I imagined her to be sweet but a bit harsh when it comes to helping others, like a strict motherly figure. She also has no medical training or licence, but she's the closest thing they have to some kind of doctor.

Also I thought these two being friends would be very cute, their personalities work very well together.

The Energon Awakening

Chapter Summary

How Burgertron first saw the world.

Chapter Notes

This was requested on Tumblr by gamegem92! They wanted me to write the energon awakening from Burgertron's perspective, which was a lot of fun!!

Note: I prefer to get requests on AO3, but I'll do a BotBot request on either platform if I find it interesting!!

It was done in a flash. One moment, well, completely nothing. Burgertron didn’t exist, and neither did any other BotBot in the mall. Then, in a flash of pink lightning, awareness struck through that nothingness. Organic matter turned into metal and protoform as the energon coursed through his body and what was once his only form folded away as he transformed for the first time.

He then found himself sitting down, hands tucked around his knees as his systems booted up for the first time after spontaneously coming into existence. Cool air came into his vents, cooling his warm chassis as he watched his systems pop online one at a time on his HUD. Looking around, he first saw a light pink cloud of sparkling mist coating everything. It felt like life on his plating, a feeling not unlike little static shocks all over his chassis. Then, as the cloud dispersed over several moments, he noticed the glaring bright lights above him. They made a slight buzzing sound, making everything just as bright as the day. He squinted his optics, and it hurt to look at the lights for too long which made him look away.

Looking around himself, he noticed many other bots similar to him scattered all over. One pretty one was orange, formerly a juice box a small thread in his processor supplied him, and it told him another was a grilled cheese and another was some fries. The french fry bot tried to stand up, but his stabilizers shook and he fell down after just a second. Then he realised he had legs, and tried the same thing.

It took a few tries, but by grabbing onto an elevated part of a deep fryer he managed to keep his balance long enough to stand. “Woah, cool.” He muttered to himself, before noticing the juice box bot was having trouble as well. “Here.” He said, his voice still laced with static after activating so recently. He offered a servo to her, and she accepted. He also balanced on something, a bottle, which then transformed as well and she made a startled “Oh!”

He dove for her, keeping her from falling off the edge and pulling her up. “Careful.” He said, and she smiled sweetly. “Thank you… um.” She said, smile slipping away as she became consumed with some kind of thought. “What should I call you?” She said quietly, before muttering even more quietly “What should I call myself?”

“Um…” He trailed off, eyes darting around as he suddenly saw the french fry bot again. He was balancing on his own, similar to how he was now, and helping another green bot up unto his own stabilizers.

“I’m…” The juice box bot said faintly, causing him to look back at her, before suddenly bursting out “Ulf! I’m Ulf!” She was louder now, looking over at him. “I’m Ulf! It was in my processor! What’s your name?” She asked, and he searched his own processor before he found it in a section he subconsciously labelled ‘identity’. “Burgertron.” He said slowly, tasting every syllable as it came out. He looked Ulf back in her optics, smiling confidently now. “I’m Burgertron.”

Chapter End Notes

I loved this request, and even if it's short I really like this oneshot!


Chapter Summary

Where does Frostferatu truly belong?

Chapter Notes

Okay so, funny story. This was based on a request from anon commenter named Mel on this fic, but I kind of strayed from the prompt??? Sorry I didn't mean to it got away from me, But I don't want to put off releasing it into the wild so here you go hope you like it!!

Squads were a complex thing below the surface level. Yes, being in one usually meant some kind of conformity in what they disguised themselves as or some other unifying factor like the Lost Bots. But it also entailed being a part of a group, being a part of almost a family in some ways. You didn’t question your Squad, nor did you even consider leaving. It was just taboo, a forbidden subject to even think about as it had never happened before Burgertron.

Sometimes though, Frostferatu would wonder. He knew he was the oddball of his squad, the one who was slightly different than the rest. He was dark, powerful, and revelled in the darkness, while his Squad the Sugar Shocks preferred the lights on, using gossip or words instead of magic, and hanging out with others as much as their own Squad.

Frostferatu comparatively preferred his own company as well, instead of large groups or gatherings lest his psychic powers be over taxed and be left alone in a corner as the others chittered and chattered around him. He was also seen as weird for his likes of the supernatural, many doubting the powers from the other side or of the deceased. He was also called a “maniac” for claiming to sometimes see a ghost, usually a human or some other robot larger than their mall phasing through the roof, during his channeling session.

But then there were the Lost Bots. He approached them to help with their dark pyramid, before realising they were very inexperienced with the dark forces of the pyramid, and they revelled in how mismatched and odd they were.

Dimlit gladly spoke with Clogstopper about construction, just as well Clogstopper talked about plumbing with neither understanding the other yet revelling in their own personal interests. Kikmee joined Bonz-Eye for Meditation because it made Bonz-Eye happy. Burgertron even asked him questions about his dark arts, and why he tangled with such forces, even as Frostferatu saw most of it flying over his helm.

It almost made Frostferatu jealous. Like he belonged somewhere else than the Sugar Shocks.

But then Lady Macaron would watch a dramatic opera with him on a television, or SprinkleBerry would allow him to conduct a spirit channeling session in his own nest while he quietly read, or Lolly Licks would give him advice on woo-ing his love interest. Frostferatu came to realise that they all were mismatched in a way as well, even if they shared an alt mode or a hobby.

He would smile, and revel in his squad. The Lost Bots were good company and he was good friends with them, yet Frostferatu felt like he was already where he was meant to be.

Chapter End Notes

I don't think this is my best work but I like it so yeah. Sorry Mel, I hope you are satisfied enough.


Chapter Summary

Rumble and Frenzy find something in a mall while on a mission.

Chapter Notes

Based on the idea of Soundwave and the BotBots interacting given to me by LovelyLittleLizard!!

Rumble and Frenzy were trouble makers of the highest degree, even Soundwave could admit that. They pulled pranks, they occasionally stole, and they bought and traded with Swindle. Soundwave tried to keep some level of observation on them, usually with Ratbat or Lazerbeak, but sometimes they got out of his sight and started stirring up some trouble on their own. Which was why Soundwave was searching for them in this small city when they were meant to be on a undercover mission, Lazerbeak and Buzzsaw both flying around in their earth modes looking for the troublesome twins. He had recently obtained a vehicle alt mode, using it to try and find them while remaining undercover.

The night air was damp and crisp, the road lit up by street lights and traffic lights in the small city. Other cars drove around him, and he could swear it almost felt like night time on the roads of Harmonex on a rainy night. Soundwave did miss Cybertron, but the illusion of normalcy helped soothe that ache while on this planet. He loathed to admit it, even to himself, but this planet wasn't so different from Cybertron in many ways.

::Soundwave:: Lazerbeak commed him, sounding somewhat amused, ::I found them, they’re raiding a nearby human mall.::

::Affirmative.:: He responded, sighing to himself. So much for staying undercover, malls like that usually had security guards this time of night and security cameras which meant Autobots would be swarming all over them any minute. He stepped on the gas, jostling Ratbat in the backseat, and sent a hailing ping to Buzzsaw. ::Try to keep an eye on them:: He sent back to Lazerbeak, exasperated.

Finding the shopping centre wasn’t hard, it was a large mall and lit up like Polyhex during the holidays. He rolled up to the mall, and was surprised but thankful to see no cop cars anywhere. Maybe they had scared off the guard and were raiding, annoying and broke their cover but not as big of a deal. Even the twins could get overwhelmed by a good shock from a taser or a blaster, and Soundwave did not want to relive the experience of “bailing them out” of the human jail. It was humiliating for everyone involved, especially because his currency was in the Japanese Yen rather than the American dollar.

He transformed, Ratbat retreating back into his chest, and he peered into the large windows of the building. One of the windows in the food court was smashed, signaling where they entered, and Soundwave was able to pin them down. Buzzsaw and Lazerbeak joined him, resting on his shoulder guards and peering in themselves. The twins were… talking to someone? He couldn’t see it too well, so instead he sent a very stern ping to the twins. Their helms snapped up, looking over to the window where Soundwave was peering in.

::Boss!:: Frenzy sent, looking back down at something and seeming to pick it up. ::You won’t believe what we found!::
::I will see it when both of you young mechs come back out here.:: Soudwave replied, unamused. ::Now.::

Both of the twins, now cowed, ran back out while Rumble carried something in his servo that Soundwave couldn’t quite make out. They smashed through the doors, not quite breaking them but left them hanging by their hinges, and presented the little thing. It looked like a bot, but it was smaller than even any cassette and seemed to have an odd alt mode of… of a mini gaming arcade. “Hey, let me go!” She cried, kicking her little legs in Rumble’s grasp. “We found these little bots who live in the small, we got an energon signal and thought it was some odd stash but it turned out these guys have been living here!” Rumble said quickly, excited and bouncing on his peds.

“Yeah!” Frenzy added. “This is Steer’d Wrong and she’s cool-”

“You guys were cool until you took me out here!!” The bot, Steer’d Wrong, yelled. She seemed to be panicking, her screen face flushing with energon. Rumble seemed to be realising it too, looking down at the slowly panicking bot. “Hey, it’s okay, it’s just Soundwave.” He tried to comfort, though it was a poor effort as she just started kicking harder.

Soundwave then sensed something, and looked inside the mall. He felt like he was going to crash when he saw it, a small army of little bots peeking around the corner in some kind of horrified curiosity and only one group seemed to be standing right inside of the hole where the doors were barely holding unto their hinges.. “Let her go!” One of them cried, who had a teal body and a camera for an optic. “It’s dangerous out there!” Another added, this one with a round yellow body like a coin. The rest fled when they noticed him, hiding among the shops, but the group near the window stayed.

Soundwave looked back at Steer’d Wrong, seeing how worked up she was getting, and reached out. Rumble deposited her into his hand, and she looked up in panicked anger. Soundwave sat down, slow and careful to not jostle her too much, and held her up to his chest. “It is okay.” He said, quietly. He positioned himself facing the mall, so the others could see how gentle he was being, while using his hands to hide her from view.

He played a low pitched rhythm, one he had used dozens of times on his own twins, and felt her tiny body start to unwind and calm. He took her away from himself and set her down, and she bolted to the group just inside the doorway of the mall and was met with a pile of questions and reassurance. She glanced back, before hugging another little bot who seemingly had a pair of wings and was glowing a faint blue.

“Rumble. Frenzy. Return.” Soundwave said, sternly. The twins flinched, Rumble stepping up, “Hey we didn’t know-”

Return.” Soundwave interrupted, opening his chest and they reluctantly transformed and climbed in. ::We didn’t know it’d panic her.:: Rumble said inside Soundwave’s chest, and he sighed. ::I know, but that does not change what happened. We will discuss this when we get back to base.:: He said to them, before looking back. The bots were still there, staring at him, and Soundwave felt his spark swell. He ordered Lazerbeak and Buzzsaw, now perched on his shoulders, to return as well. Now, it was just Soundwave and the little bots.

“Soundwave: Apologizes for my cassette’s behaviour.” He said to them, kneeling down slowly. He held his hands out, staying as still as he could despite being in an uncomfortable position. “Query: May I meet some of you?” It took a few moments, but Sterr’d Wrong stepped out again and this time was accompanied by the other bots who greeted her inside. They seemed skittish, and nervous as they left their mall. She looked up at him, trying to remain blase as she climbed up.

“We’re the Gamer Geeks. Who’re you?” She demanded, and the others in her group climbed up as well. Soundwave lifted them up slowly and closer to him. “I am: Soundwave. Third in Command of the Decepticons.” He introduced himself.


The past hour had been the most nerve racking hour of their whole lives, seeing this bot hundred of times larger than they were and Steer’d Wrong being kidnapped and brought outside by the two twins. Now though, the BotBots watched from their hiding places as the Gamer Geeks started climbing all over Soundwave while asking him question after question. “Whats a Decepticon?” ChitterClick had asked, on his leg, staring up. Soundwave only took a second to respond. “A faction fighting for freedom.” He answered, propping up Fomo in his hand.

“How are you so huge?!” 24K Bit exclaimed, climbing over his arm and exploring the large body of the Decepticon. “I have a much larger alt mode, and it was how I was constructed.” Soundwave chuckled.

Fomo sat on Soundwave’s chest on the opposite side of the large button, the red light of his camera indicating his recording. “How come we don’t see more bots your size?” He asked, and Soundwave looked back at Fomo. “We aren’t from here, and we try to stay hidden.” He said, using his hand to pet Fomo on the head and was met with a grimace. “You are small enough to hide amongst the objects of this planet, we hide among the vehicles.”

Steer’d Wrong looked up, confusion dotting her expression. “This planet? What do you mean, isn’t this where we came from?” Soundwave looked back at her, resting on his leg next to ChitterClick who was now exploring his buttons. He paused, seemingly unable to answer. “No, I am not from this planet. My kind, we are from a far off planet called Cybertron.” He said, and pointed up into the night sky at a seemingly random star. “Cybertron, can barely be seen from here.” He said. Steer’d Wrong looked down his finger, squinting to see what he was pointing at.

“Well we were born here, in this mall.” She said, gesturing to the building. “We’ve never even been outside before now.”

Soundwave’s expression seemed to remain blank, but there was something turning in his helm.

Then, his radio went off spitting static and nearly scaring the Gamer Geeks off of him. He slowly coaxed them off, gently placing them down on the ground. He then clicked a button on his waist, and the voice of an Autobot came through.

“Heeeey there Sounders,” Blaster said through the radio, and Soundwave suppressed a sigh, “it seems you’ve been getting up to some fun. Might want to skiddadle before Prowl gets there, he’ll kick your aft!” He laughed, and Soundwave groaned and got up from the pavement. “Prowl: Can try.” He said, before turning off his radio with a click. He looked down at the BotBots and pointed back at their mall. “Hide. Soundwave, has attracted the Autobots here. Autobots, the enemy of Decepticons. Stay away from them.” He warned, before activating his anti-gravs and flying off.

“Coooooool.” 24K-Bit said slowly, and the others had to agree, before they were taken out of their trance by the sound of sirens in the distance. They clambered back into the mall, yelling “Hide! Humans!” to Everyone as they ran through. It didn’t take long for all the BotBots to be safely hidden away as the police drew closer.


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