Copper Wire of Fate

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:
No Archive Warnings Apply
Transformers Animated (2007)
Megatron/Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime, Megatron (Transformers), Starscream (Transformers), Ratchet (Transformers), Prowl (Transformers), Bumblebee (Transformers), Other Characters Mentioned
Additional Tags:
Enemies who are implied to become lovers, One Shot, Red String of Fate, Copper Wire of Fate, Soulmates, Sparkmates, Wordcount: 1.000-3.000
Published: 2022-06-22 Words: 1,736 Chapters: 1/1

Copper Wire of Fate


My imagining on how the Red String of Fate would work for Cybertronians, and how that would change the battle over the AllSpark.


No one understood the phenomenon of the Copper Wire of Fate. It appeared only to the one with it, and not even everyone had it. The copper wire wove around Optimus’ wrist, so light it could barely be felt most of the time. It meant the one he was connected to, his sparkmate, was so far away it was fraying the connection.

Optimus distantly remembered the stories he’d heard about the wire from his mentor soon after his protoform had merged with his spark, how it lead to someone important in your life. “It doesn’t mean they’ll be your special some bot.” She had said to young Optimus, not even past his first upgrades. “It could mean they’ll be your best friend, an ally, or…” she had paused for a contemplative moment, choosing her words, “or even your worst enemy.”

Optimus had frowned, tilting his helm. “How will I know which one?” He had asked, and his mentor sighed fondly. “You won’t know for sure, but I can promise you that it’s a gift from Primus in one way or another.”

“Even if he’s my worst enemy?” He asked. His mentor chuckled. “Yes. You’ll understand when your older.”


Now Optimus was older, and he still had no fragging idea what she meant. He was devout, believed in Primus the creator, but how could a connection so intimate to your worst enemy be a gift? It made no sense to him, but he continued on in his life with no sign of his sparkmate anywhere.

During his academy days he would try and stay in libraries for mega cycles just seeing if his wire got sturdier or brighter, which it never did. It was how he eventually met Sentinel and Elita-One, who were cramming one late night like their lives depended on it. In a real way it did, as their mid-vorn tests were approaching and both of them were falling behind. After he helped them just barely pass over that week, they had stuck to each other like hyperglue.

Optimus had abandoned thoughts of sparkmates after that, until after the accident.

Out in deep space, he had been lying on his berth contemplating his life when he noticed the deep red-orange shine of the wire. It had been strengthening as they travelled in space, slowly but surely, which thankfully eliminated his crew as suspects. He flexed his hand, admiring the wire and wondering about his sparkmate. Whether this was punishment for doubting Primus, or for killing Elita, he wasn’t sure.


When they found the Allspark one day, all his thoughts of Copper Wires left his processor in favour of analysis on how in the universe they were going to conceal this artifact. Then almost immediately, the Decepticons found them and their giant ship started shooting.

He held on for dear life, his digits scratching small blue paint marks into the Orion’s controls as the giant ship, the Nemesis, grew closer. He felt a tugging on his wrist, but ignored it. He had an enemy to focus on.

Unfortunately Megatron did not.


Megatron gazed down at his hand, where the copper wire of fate trailed off from his wrist, through space, and connected to that little Autobot ship.

He scowled. Primus was mocking him.

“My liege?” Starscream said, sounding impatient. “Are you going to-“

“Silence.” Megatron cut him off. “It appears fate has other plans for us.” He said, holding up his hand. Seekers were very odd, unable to have a wire yet able to perceive the connections between others. In this case, his gaze trailed down from Megatron’s hand to the Autobot ship and his expression morphed into one of pity.

“Well, slag.” He muttered, and grabbed something off Megatron’s back. Megatron didn’t notice what it was, he had more important things to focus on. “Come.” He said, beckoning Starscream. “It appears I need your assistance after all.”

Starscream scowled, but transformed and left in front of Megatron who transformed as well and followed the Seeker.

Optimus let out a grunt, trying to keep his balance and footing as something large and heavy landed on top of their ship. It was Megatron, Optimus was almost certain, and the damage to their hull as something tried to enter confirmed that suspicion. Optimus activated the grabbers on top of the Orion, trying to hold unto Megatron.

But he soon realize, it wasn’t just Megatron attacking them.

The outer ship camera, grainy as it was, showed another Decepticon, a seeker, clawing through the side of their ship towards the Allspark. “Everyone, Protect the Allspark!” He called.

Bulkhead and Bumblebee ran out to the back where the Allspark was located while Bumblebee loudly cried “We aren’t programmed for this kind of action!”

This division of attention allowed for Megatron to blast through the top, and Megatron came through in a cloud of dust. Optimus could feel the artificial gravity failing, as he and the others began to float.

Dust and debris came down with Megatron as he came down through the roof, clouding his entrance even as the ship automatically shut the emergency hatches. Optimus threw his axe blindly into the dust, dispelling some of it and hitting Megatron somewhere delicate enough to get a surprised exclamation of pain. He emerged from the dust, with Optimus’ axe buried in his side and an angry expression.

Ratchet activated his magnets, holding Megatron back from charging at them. “Just as ugly as I remember.” He grunts. Optimus uses the opportunity to go up and reclaim his axe, but Megatron grabs him and throws him into one of the ship’s walls.

Optimus looked up, just in time to see Ratchet trying to throw some of the ship’s debris at Megatron only to get pushed out of the way by Prowl who threw a ninja star which cut Megatron’s damaged arm clean off.

However, Optimus also noticed that they were about to collide with an asteroid as alarms blared. He pulled himself from the wall, and ran around the battling mechs and activated manual control.

Megatron glanced over, and didn’t intervene. They would all perish without that Autobot acting, so he focused on disposing of the medic and wannabe cyber ninja who weren’t a threat but were incredibly annoying.

Even with no more access to his fusion cannon, Megatron drew his swords and batted away Prowl, but they all fell back as Optimus tilted the ship upwards to avoid the asteroids.

They were barreling towards a space bridge, and Optimus was about to avoid it was well when an otherworldly glow came from the back of the ship. A blue charge of energy shot out from their ship and towards the space bridge, activating it.

There was a sudden change, as Optimus felt unbalanced from the warp through the space bridge. He fell back, right into Megatron. Looking up, he felt the powerful glare from the war build as well as a curiosity in his EMF which Optimus did not care to analyze.

He ran from the main ship deck, going straight for the cargo bay.

He could feel Megatron right behind him, looming and fast despite being slowed by his damage, and Optimus transformed to keep outside his limited reach.

As he reached the cargo bay, which was only a few seconds while transformed, he was greeted by the sight of both Bulkhead and Bumblebee offline and groaning as the Allspark was casually held by the seeker. Now Optimus got a closer look, he recognized him as the Decepticon General Starscream.

He smirked as Optimus transformed and charged him, dodging nimbly. Optimus saw an opening however, as Starscream turned his whole back to Optimus, and he used his momentum to rear back and swing his axe into Starscream’s wing which earned a pained hiss.

Starscream reached back, trying to dislodge him with one servo while the other held the Allspark casing. Optimus swung around again, activating his grapplers and trying to tear the Allspark from his grip but Starscream cut the cords with his sharp claws before finally batting away Optimus.

Optimus hit the wall with a sharp clang, falling down limply.

Megatron finally limped his way to the cargo bay of the Autobot ship, his body off balance by the lucky shot the wannabe Cyberninja managed to get. Starscream held the Allspark under his arm, and not so carefully held up the red Autobot who shared his copper wire.

“They’re so fragile, it would almost be impressive how well they fought if it wasn’t so pathetic.” He commented, dropping Megatron’s sparkmate uncaringly  unto the floor.

“He’s not impressive, nor does it seem to be the right time.” He commented, gesturing to their wire. Indeed, it was glowing but Megatron didn’t feel the instant connection the two ends of a wire were meant to feel when it was the proper time. He growled, “Let’s leave, we have all we need from them.”

The air lock shot open, and there was a vacuum sucking everything out the doors. Megatron almost fell through, but he managed to anchor himself on the wall while Starscream used his claws to stay put. The red Autobot glared at him, hand on the airlock doors with a sharpness in his optics.

Megatron felt it then, an instant connection as time almost slowed down in just a few moments. This Autobot fought, and fought to kill. The Autobot’s, Optimus’, optics widened as he felt their completed connection as well, and fainted. His servo slipped from the controls, unable to close them.

Megatron’s disembodied arm was sucked out through the vacuum, with the other Autobots soon behind. Starscream pulled out the Autobot’s energy axe from his wing, throwing it at the controls to close them. It just barely worked, the yellow one hitting the airlock doors with a sharp clang.

The ship suddenly started rattling even more as they stood up again, alarms blaring now. “Warning: Entering an unknown planet’s atmosphere. Warning: Impact imminent.” The voice said, and the Decepticons shared a look as they ran to the front. Leaving now would be a death sentence, even space capable alt modes could not just enter an atmosphere at these speeds and expect to live.

They came to a sight where the oldest Autobot, a medic, was trying his best to steer the ship into a lake. “We’re going to crash, hold on!”

The impact left them all offline, though not deactivated.


End Notes


I know it hasn’t been very long, but it’s felt like forever to me lol. I’m still working on Benefactor, just slowly.

Also I’ve graduated High School!

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