The Deceptive Cat

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The Transformers (Cartoon Generation One), Cats - Andrew Lloyd Webber, Transformers - All Media Types
Ravage (Transformers), Rum Tum Tugger, Munkustrap (Cats)
Additional Tags:
Crossover, Not Beta Read, What am I doing, Even I don’t know, I got into transformers a month ago and felt a primal urge to make this, Wordcount: 100-1.000
Published: 2021-07-20 Words: 1,032 Chapters: 1/1

The Deceptive Cat


Ravage just wanted a simple nap after a long mission in London, but a curious cat come across her.


Sorry if this isn’t the best, I made this quickly because I never saw this done which I thought was a shame.

If you don’t like it…. It’s fine :p I’m not sure I like it either

“Well, hello there.” A sultry voice came from above where Ravage had slipped into recharge. She gazed up, annoyed, seeing an organic cat above her. A Maine Coon, her human database supplied, one with a spiked collar around his fluffy neck.

Ravage sometimes hated being a mecha animal, especially if it meant she could understand these dumb organic cats who asked inane questions about her. She huffed and laid back down, hoping the cat would get a clue.

He didn’t, which became evident when she heard small paws thump in front of her on the perch she had found. Onlining her optics in a huff, Ravage gave him a scalding glare. “Sorry for interrupting your nap, you elegant queen,” the deep voiced cat said, “but I haven’t seen a cat made of metal before?” He asked, the curious cat sitting down in front of her with an inquisitive expression on it’s round face.

Ravaged huffed haughtily. “Get out of my sight you organic.” She spat, leaning back down for a nap. She wished she could just kill him, but even the smallest uses of energy could attract Autobot attention to her. Which is something she just doesn’t want to deal with right now.

“Now don’t be so harsh miss... what is your name?” He asked, undeterred.

Ravage huffed a reply. “Ravage, and if you had half an organic brain you’d get out of my sight. I’m a decepticon you dolt, one of their best agents too.” She leaned her head up in pride, and looked down expecting to see fear or a fleeing cat. But instead, it was admiration.

“Oh, one of those super advanced robots? I thought they only looked human like!” He excitedly said, striding up confidently. “My full second name is The Rum Tum Tugger. But everyone just calls be Tugger usually.”

Ravage stared confused, until she remembered that these animals had no idea what was happening with humans. Decepticon or Autobot likely meant nothing to him aside from being made of metal and over five times their own size.

“Second name?” She asked, temporarily humouring him. The cat coked his head, confused. “You don’t have a name other than Ravage?” He asked, sounding horrified.

“I am not familiar with this world’s organic customs.” She said simply. Ravage wanted to add that she especially wouldn’t care about the pets of the pathetic dominant race of the mud ball, but decided that since this “Tugger” who had rudely awakened her should at least entertain her with these useless facts. Something to laugh at with Laserbeak or Soundwave when she decided to return to her duties as a Decepticon.

“Well,” he said, slowly walking away and around her in a large circle, “ the naming of cats is a very difficult matter…”


When Munkustrap returned from his human’s home, the junkyard was strangely empty. It took some searching,but found most of the cats who lived there and those who didn’t all crowded around near the edge of the territory.

Alonzo noticed him first, pulling him through quickly. “You will not believe this.” He said, pulling them beyond where most of the cats where and behind a car door poking out. Munkustrap wanted to ask what was happening, but refrained and peered out to see what they were observing.

It was a cat, or maybe a more likely term was panther or puma. A giant cat, without a speck of fur or skin but instead was fully metal. Munkustrap didn’t know what to think of such a creature. Was it even a cat?

The strange metal cat was laying in a lounging position on a perch, only just large enough to hold her massive size, leering at his brother; the Rum Tum Tugger (who apparently had less self preservation instinct than Munkustrap had thought). The cat was clearly a queen, though much more angular than any other cat Munkustrap had ever seen, mostly black with a lighter more silvery black on her paws and tail. The most striking detail were her eyes, solid ruby red without an iris or pupil that glowed in the setting sun’s dim light.

“What in the everlasting’s name is she?” He whispered to Alonzo without turning, who he could feel was shrugging. “No clue.” He whispered back.

Behind them the other cats were watching with fear and amazement at Tugger who was talking loudly to the metal queen. “And so that is why we have our third name, a name we tell no one.” Tugger said, sounding like he was ending a long explanation to this queen about names.

Tugger looked up, and the queen made a noise that sounded like a human hum or a purr. “You organics are so amusing on how complicated you have to make everything.” She laughed, her voice sounding alien and metallic. Not to mention she spoke without opening her mouth much at all.

Tugger twisted his head to give her a questioning look. “Okay then, how do you metal cats do it?” He demanded, and the cat immediately stiffened. She stayed like that, before twisting up into her full height. Her metal plates clicked as they shifted, fit together perfectly like a puzzle, and Munkustrap could see some wires and metal gleaming underneath.

“A Decepticon only needs one designation for themself. One name that everyone can respect, or if not that, then fear. Ravage is a fine enough name for myself without useless complications.”

She then stood up, towering over Tugger and Munkustrap raced out to grab his brother before this mechanical cat could try and step on them; or worse. He raised his back, trying to make himself look bigger to protect Tugger.

She laughed. “As amusing as that conversation was, I’ll be leaving you cats now. I’m tired of being stared at like an exotic decoration.” She sneered the words, and then walked off with soft steps that barely made any sound. Ravage disappeared into the darkness outside the Junkyard, her dark colours making her impossible to see in low lighting, even for cats.

Munkustrap then walloped his brother over the head, preparing for his rant. “What in Everlasting’s name we’re you thinking Tugger?! She could’ve killed you!”


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